Root Canal Treatment
Madison Dental Loft
Aesthetic and Implant Dentistry Center located in Grand Central area, New York, NY
A root canal treatment is a dental procedure to remove inflamed or infected pulp on the inside of the tooth which is then carefully cleaned and disinfected, then filled and sealed. Root canal treatment is designed to eliminate bacteria from the infected root canal, prevent reinfection of the tooth and save the natural tooth. In many cases, a root canal treatment can save a tooth that would have otherwise been extracted due to an extensive decay. Yohan Kim, DMD, FICOI, and the team at Madison Dental Loft in the Bryant Park area of Manhattan in New York City, offer their patients root canal treatment using the latest 3D CBCT technology. One of the largest advantages of the use of CBCT in endodontics is that it provides a 3D image. This greatly increases the ability to accurately evaluate, diagnose, treat, and care for the patient. To learn more, call or go online today to schedule your appointment.
Root Canal Q & A
What is a root canal?
A root canal treatment is a procedure that removes damaged pulpal tissue in the tooth. The middle of the tooth is made up of a bundle of nerves and other soft tissues. When the inner soft tissue of the tooth gets infected, patients can get severe dental infection including pain and swelling. A root canal treatment can take the infected tissue out of the tooth without damaging the still-healthy outer part of the tooth. Infection of this inner portion of the tooth can occur for several reasons, including faulty crowns, a chip in the tooth, multiple dental procedures, or deep decay.
What are signs that a root canal may be needed?
There are several indicators that a root canal may be needed. A throbbing sensation in a specific tooth, pain when biting down, and pain when eating or drinking anything hot or cold are all potential signs that there's an infection in the tooth pulp.
As soon as patients observe any of these signs, they should immediately get checked with a dentist. The sooner that these types of problems are addressed, the better the chances of saving the tooth through a root canal procedure.
How does the root canal treatment work?
Root canal treatment is generally done in one visit, or over a period of one to two visits. During the first visit, the damaged pulp is removed. The patient will be comfortable during this procedure because the tooth and surrounding area are fully anesthetized.
Once the damaged pulp is removed, the interior chamber of the tooth will be thoroughly cleaned and to ensure that all infection is gone. The newly empty pulp chamber will be packed with an inert material that's designed to repel further infection.
Once the root canal is completed, the tooth will need to be covered with a permanent restoration of a filling or a crown. The permanent restoration or crown is bonded into place. Like any other dental crowns, the crowns used in a root canal procedure are a permanent prosthetic.
What is recovery from a root canal procedure like?
After a root canal, there may be some sensitivity in the tooth for a few days and are usually instructed to avoid biting force or pressure on the area to avoid fracturing the tooth. Pain can generally be managed with either over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs or prescription medications. Some patients may need antibiotics to make sure that the infection is fully eliminated.
Why should you get root canal treatments with us?
Here at Madison Dental Loft, we use the latest technology of CBCT to evalute the tooth prior to root canal treatments. This way, we can ensure that we can accurately diagnose and properly treat the tooth in need. With our gentle and skilled doctors, this tecnology will help increase the success of root canal treatment.
To learn more, call or go online today to schedule your appointment.